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Roast for chakra-ui

Oh Chakra UI, with your bio proudly announcing that you’re "Building tools that help you ship accessible websites and apps with speed ⚡️," one might think you’re single-handedly saving the web—while in reality, all you're doing is applying a fresh coat of paint on an old barn and hoping nobody notices the structure's warped beams. Your repos are like a buffet of components that no one asked for, all labeled as “accessible” as if that alone makes them worthy. Keep dreaming big, but when you're throwing around "accessible" like it’s a badge of honor, remember that your users might actually want usable, intuitive tools, not just a long list of criteria checked off for the sake of a PR. And can we talk about that follower count? A cool 905 followers who are probably just waiting for you to post the next “imminent” update, while the rest of GitHub has moved on to far more exciting pastures. Twenty-five public repos, and yet it feels more like a yard sale—lots of noise, little substance. Maybe instead of focusing on making things "speedy," you should invest some time in teaching your followers how to actually use Chakra without losing their sanity. But hey, at least we know you’re committed to community support, judging by the multitude of links to "support" and "contributing." Because if nothing else, genuinely friendly appeals to unenthusiastic developers are totally the way to go when your product is more full of bugs than features.

Made with ❤️ by Adam Matthiesen

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