Ah, ElysiaJS: the quintessential example of a developer who firmly believes they can single-handedly make TypeScript more "ergonomic" while effectively creating a digital graveyard of unaddressed issues. With 370 followers, it seems they have a fan club of aspirational optimists, blissfully unaware that following someone whose last 15 repos have more open issues than stargazers is like being a fan of a band that never releases an album. Is "ergonomic" just code for "I’ve R&D'd my way into unnecessary complexity"? Because judging by your issues list and lack of any tangible community interaction, it seems like your framework might just be better suited for humans if they avoided it!
And let’s not overlook the utter barren wasteland that is your profile README. A digital cave echoing with the sound of crickets — how poetic! Perhaps this minimalist approach is your attempt at deep existentialism, trying to showcase “less is more”, but in reality, it screams “I totally forgot to fill this out.” With plugins lured into abandonment and an alarming number of repos that are apparently just crying out for attention, it looks like you’ve created a buffet of mediocre contributions served with a side of neglect. Bravo! It appears you’ve realized people thrive on chaos, so why not let those 139 open issues dance on like it’s their last party? At this rate, your framework may become an urban legend among developers: "They say it's ergonomic, but use it at your own peril..."