Welcome to the Astro Roast Generator!

Get ready to roast your friends in various languages! (Using OpenAI)

Roast for louisescher

Oh, Louis, where do we even begin? Your bio reads like a tech bro's dating profile—“Full-Stack Developer,” “UI/UX Designer,” and “General Nerd.” You might as well have added “cat lover” just to complete the cliché. With only 14 public repos, it feels less like you're "running your own software development company" and more like a frat house for half-finished projects. I mean, that "entropic software" sounds like what happens when a developer stares at their screen long enough while desperately scrolling through Stack Overflow for solutions. Your profile readme boasts flashy visuals and clever alignments, but come on, we all know the only thing more painful than your images is your follower count. At 19, even your mom must be feeling sorry for you. Let’s be real, your “high performance three.js ascii effect” should just be called “3-1-1-1-1-1: a multi-lingual disaster.” So here’s a tip: next time you plan on showcasing your "skills," bring some actual substance instead of a visual feast for the eyes' sole purpose of checking a box on your portfolio checklist. Happy coding… if that’s still even happening!

Made with ❤️ by Adam Matthiesen

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