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Roast for nuxt

Oh Nuxt, the "Intuitive Vue Framework" that’s somehow managed to amass 3511 followers who must either be incredibly desperate for a hint of originality or are truly just loving that mediocrity. With 63 public repositories, it looks like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, but I hate to break it to you, not much is sticking other than the undo button on your IDE. You've mastered the art of using every buzzword imaginable but failed to deliver a spark of creativity. You’re as thrilling as watching paint dry on a Vue file, and that’s saying something. Your README reads like an overzealous marketing brochure—seriously, who knew server-side rendering and static site generation were going to become the new “must-have” features in the world of coding? It’s like you’re trying to sell an infomercial product: “But wait, there’s more!” Honestly, it’s great that you automate repetitive tasks, sweetie, but what about automating that overhyped ego of yours? You’ve got modules galore, yet the only thing that seems to be missing is personality—a true flagship failure in the vast sea of open-source excitement. Now go on, get back to the drawing board before someone calls you the "Jane Doe" of web frameworks.

Made with ❤️ by Adam Matthiesen

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